
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Memoir #47 Tough Angels

We got a call on Friday night from a permanency planning coordinator and we found out that the prosecutor is finally moving to terminate the parental rights of our former foster daughter JJ’s bio-mom.  It has been two years since she entered foster care.  Thanks be to God for this gift!

I have been praying for JJ to get into her forever home and it looks like she will be in the next 3 months (though you can never really count on anything in this system).

Why did it go this long?  One year ago, the Judge decided to give bio-mom more time…even when she was testing positive for drugs.  Another year has passed by and bio-mom is still testing positive for drugs.  Not only was JJ put back with bio-mom, only to be then placed with grandma which is also an unfit place to live…she is now back in foster care. 

It pains me so very much to watch this happen to her.  I cannot believe this is how her life is playing out…it is surreal that she has had to endure this for two years!

This move has stirred-up a flutter of excitement between us former foster moms and I am happy to see that she is back with her second family.   All three of us want nothing more than for her to be in a forever home, safe and sound.  The three of us are also in agreement that no matter what, it is in her best interests to be raised away from her bio-family for many reasons…interesting how we all see this so clearly and the court has not…at least not until now.

So, what happens next?  That is a good question. There will probably be a termination hearing where the Judge will actually decide to terminate or not.  If he does decide to, then there is the appeal time that follows which I believe is 15 days.  Then, once rights are terminated, I believe the court will need to decide with whom JJ should live the rest of her life.  This is a tough question…who will it be?  Are we going to be one of the families considered in the mix?  SO MUCH to think about!

But for today, I am thanking God that he has answered our prayers and that JJ is safe.  She survived this thing the system calls “attempted monitored reunification” which I was afraid she might not have made it out of. 

Her angels are tough!

Please pray for our JJ and pray that the Judge looks at her life when he decides what to do next. 

1 John 5:14 says, this is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us!

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