
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Memoir #46 Hurry up and Wait for Joy

You have given me greater joy than those who have everything.  Psalm 4:7

Hurry up and wait…
I feel like this describes my current situation. 

I was so excited and did my part to transfer my license from DHS to a private agency, but I am still waiting for the first phone call from the new agency to begin the next leg of our journey.  This is the agency that will be maintaining our license and facilitating our next adoption.
It’s kind of like how the Judicial System works in this country.  You cannot be late to court so you must hurry-up and get into the court room on time or early, only to sit there with your police officers, witnesses, the defense attorneys, and court staff and do what?    Well, wait…

I am just not a patient person =)
I am so ready to move forward and enhance our life with another wonderful child or perhaps two!

What makes is easier is that my husband is completely on board and tonight when I showed him pictures of a set of identical, twin, 3-year-old boys who are waiting, his response was “I’m in!”
I highly doubt this is the typical husband’s reaction, but we are ready, willing, and able so Lord…so please, bring them on!  Bring on the children you have placed on this earth for us to raise.  We cannot wait for them to become a part of our everyday lives!

So, I said to him nonchalantly, “they will probably be little monsters…can you imagine 3 toddlers???”  This is probably true, but you know what?  We believe these little people are our specialties.  We are accustomed to chaotic “toddler-life” and you know what…it is actually so much fun!  For example, tonight we spent an hour doing “gymnastics” in our living room with Raya and it was a blast.  I can’t wait to do this again in double or triple time…and that would be priceless =)
I can honestly say that I “know” what I would be getting myself into.

What I mean by “know” is that based on my experience with two toddlers at one time, I predict what it would be like with two again or three and I am ok with the chaos.  Actually, I welcome it Ah!
What I really welcome is the absolute joy that I have never, ever found elsewhere.  And, this joy is a feeling in your gut that makes you smile from ear to ear =D

It is a joy that makes you get up in the morning and know you have a purpose in this world…a purpose that is much, much bigger than you. 
I guess it could be my calling maybe…you think???

I love being a mother and I love, loving God’s children.  Every day I pray for my rainbow child…aka rainbow after the storm…and I cannot wait to meet this wonderful and special child or children!!!
The bible says “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.  You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy.” Psalm 30:11


1 comment:

  1. This verse popped into my head as I was reading this post: "The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy." Psalm 126:3
    Thankful for your joy and praying for continued blessings. te amo
