
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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The goals of this site are:
- To promote awareness
- To offer encouragement
- To keep prayer warriors updated
- To support one another
- To discuss and vent =D

If you choose to comment (and I hope you do), please refrain from mentioning the actual names of the children if you know us personally. Enjoy Fosteradoptmommy!!!

Foster Care

Approximately 14,000 children in Michigan alone, are in foster care at any given time. We need your help to provide a safe, nurturing home for these children until they can be returned to their families. When children cannot be returned to their homes, foster parents are often asked to provide permanent homes and become adoptive forever homes.
5 Easy Steps to Become a Foster Parent
1. Choose an agency.

In Michigan, you can go with the Department of Human Services (DHS) or a number of private agencies, depending on the county in which you live.

 2. Attend an orientation.

By doing this you can learn about the process to getting licensed and what is required to maintain your license.

3. Complete the application process.

Somewhat intrusive but not too bad.  You can select the age range of children that you would consider fostering, the number of children and other preferences here.

4. Participate in a home study.

A home study is a type of evaluation of your background and a getting to know you process as well as evaluating your home.  The agency needs to determine how many rooms/beds you have available for children and that your home is safe with things like a carbon monoxide detecter and a safe water temperature.

5. Attend foster care PRIDE training.

This is an 8-12 week training course where both parents must attend if applicable.  This is a large committment and I believe that each session was 4 hours in the evening, no babysitting provided.

Once it's all complete...

Once you complete this process successfully, your packet is sent to Lansing and then you wait.  I believe it took about 8 weeks for us to be licensed. 

Once you are licensed, you wait for your call when there is a child or children that need you.  There is no specific amount of time this can take but when you do get the call, your life will change forever.

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy.
God places the lonely in families.
Psalm 68:5-6

The phone call comes in,
"Do you have enough room?"
For one more young child....
He needs a home very soon.

He comes to your door,
tattered and bruised,
His clothes are all dirty,
he's wearing no shoes...

You welcome him in
with a smile on your face,
He'll have to adjust
at his very own pace.

His life has been
a hard, rocky road.
Somehow you must help
to lighten his load.

He is going to need you
to care for him now,
So deep in your heart
you silently vow-

To make his life better
than what he has now,
to again make him smile,
though you're wondering how.

Each new day brings
anger, sadness, and joy
You pray that your love
can help this young boy.

Sometimes it seems that
you're getting nowhere,
And you wonder why God said
"Send this child there".

After an especially trying day
When you're sure
There must be
An easier way

Into the room,
his footsteps now come.
With a shy hug, he whispers,
"I love you, Mom"

With tears in your eyes,
you know just what to say,
You've waited and waited
For this very day.

"Remember this, honey,
And no matter what,
You're special. I love you.
You just hold on to that."

And then the day comes
when you answer the phone...
They're sending "your" little boy
back to his home.

You think of the work
that may be undone
When they do send him back,
to the very same one.

He's much different today
then he was, way back when.
Your hard work has paid off,
You can see it in him.

You hope and you pray
he'll remember your love
But you can't help but wonder,
Will it be enough?

To carry him through
what may lie ahead
You try to be strong
To cover your dread

Your head says you must
get through the good-byes
But the weight in your heart
feels like part of it died.

Later, you learn
he's doing quite well.
He comes over to visit
and you really can tell.

His life isn't perfect but...
it's turning quite nice
So you have made a difference.
In one little boys life.

© Valerie Busic