
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Memoir #32 "Set-backs and such"

Sorry it has been a while since I have posted! We are still in a sort of limbo for both our dear daughters. 

Raya's adoption has been postponed because the Judge has the day off.  Hmm...did he have the day off when the adoption was scheduled or did he just decide to take the day off now???  I don' t know.

All I know is that my grandparents and my aunt & her family were planning on coming, that my parents and in-laws took the day off of work, and that my husband and I took the day off of work to drive an hour and 1/2 for her adoption...and now I am told just 5 days before..."whoops...the Judge has the day off, we have to reschedule"...honestly honestly.  [I found out that it will be next week Friday now so very exciting!!!]
As far as JJ is concerned...that has also been postponed.  On Wednesday/Thursday supposedly of this week we should know if the first home that had her will be taking her back.  Again, I wonder if we really will know by then but that is what they are saying.  It would be such an answer to prayer if that is the case.  We would like to move her this Friday then if possible.  If that home is not able to take her then they would try to find her another home right away.

I will keep you posted as soon as we have any more informoration on either's situation.  Thanks for your prayers!  On a positive note, I started something with them that they just love and I think it is hilarious.  I call it "book club time" and we sit in a circle by our book shelf and we each pick out one book.  Then we talk about what the book is about.  Last night they said "Snow white" and "a Cat-a-pilla" (I picked Where the Wild Things Are).  Then we each "read" the story to each-other showing the pictures.  They LOVED this!  Book club time trumped bath time lol.  The stories I heard went like this -->

In a sing-songy way "Snow whittttttttttttte...Snow whitttttttttttttte...and a mean witch....and Snow whittttttttttttte....la da dee da to do la ....dee end"

followed by

"Once upon a time a butterfly...once upon a time this thing (caterpillar haha)...once upon a time apples...once upon a time strawberries...once upon a time a big leaf...the end"  [I just love reading books backwards =)]

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.
(Matthew 18:10 ESV)


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