
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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- To promote awareness
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Friday, May 6, 2011

Memoir # 28 "Today is for Bio-moms"

Today is for Bio-moms because mother's day is just around the corner and I want to pay tribute to those who have done what is perhaps the most unselfish thing that one could ever do...

You see, a pregnant woman has 3 choices. 

One, she could have an abortion and she could go back to the life she was living before she was pregnant.  In this country abortion is legal, it's cheap, and it's relatively easy to do.  The recovery is barely visible and no one would ever have to know!

Two, she could keep the baby because it's hers.  Even though she doesn't know how she will care for this child, and even though she can barely take care of herself right now she can keep it.  Why because she has a right to and it will take a while before someone comes and removes the child so why not?

She could carry this baby, growing each day with a tiny heartbeat inside her body for 9 long months and then go through the pain of labor only to place that child into another person's arms to give him a better life.

How beautiful and selfless.  How amazing are bio-moms who make this choice. If it weren't for two Bio-moms who did, I wouldn't have my wonderful husband or my precious little girl.

Today is for Bio-moms...

*If this video won't play please click on youtube in the upper left corner

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