
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Memoir #27 "How should I pray?"

So today I ask for your prayers again because it is the first progress hearing since our second DD (dear daughter) JJ was placed with us in February. 

I admit that sometimes I do not know what I should pray for regarding her case.  I always pray for her safety, for God's will to be done in her life and ours, and for her to be loved and cared for no matter what.  But, when it comes to the specifics, I start to question what should I really be asking God to do?

-Is it ok to pray for bio-mom to "fall off the wagon"?

-Is it ok to pray for our adoption of JJ?

-Is it ok to pray that she goes to an adoptive home besides ours - a home that longs for a little girl of their own and cannot have one?

I decided to look into how Jesus prayed to gain some insight on this topic and this is what I found:

What can we learn from the prayer of Jesus? (from Jesus Prayed by Victor Hoagland)
First, that true prayer should come from the heart. He prayed from within, not with just words or gestures. His prayer was not based only on feelings or passing emotions. Prayer comes from within, beyond level of feelings, from ourselves. " Go into the inner room, " Jesus says, " and there pray to your Father, who hears you." Sometimes prayer from the heart, from the "inner room" takes the form of words, at other times it may be like his own wordless cry.
Secondly, prayer is fed by faith. Jesus prayed with an unwavering faith in his heavenly Father, a faith that lasted till his death. He taught us to pray also with childlike faith in God, believing that our prayers are heard by One who loves us.
Thirdly, prayer should be steady and persevering as his prayer was, even when no answer comes or when no relief is in sight. "Watch and Pray," he says, "Seek and knock," till the door that reveals God's holy will be opened.



Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer or petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

May God bless you today!!!

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