
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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- To promote awareness
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- To keep prayer warriors updated
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- To discuss and vent =D

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Memoir #26 "you may just take the bait"

So I came upon another way to help orphan children although there is a small catch...you may just fall in love and decide to keep the child =D

There are a few projects out there where you can sponsor a child (usually age 4-12) to come and spend 3-4 weeks with your family and have the vacation of a lifetime.  This could be during Summer or Christmas vacation or during the year if one of you stays at home (or has a lot of vacation days to use up).

This is a way to give an orphan child an amazing experience and it's a temporary thing.  What's cool is that some of the organizations involved will actually deduct the cost you spend on the sponsorship (about $3000-$5000) from your adoption cost if you decide to go through and adopt the child.

That is a great deal if you know how much an international adoption usually costs...$15,000-$40,000.  Also, it allows you to get to know the child and the child gets to know your family before you take the plunge into adoption.

So I started telling my hubby (and I'm always very enthusiastic about a new idea) and he says "are we really ready to adopt a little Columbian boy right now you think?"

I said no, not us ; )  but someone is =D  They just need to know about it!!!

Such a neat idea though!  If you are interested in some more information about how you can sponsor a child for a vacation of a lifetime please let me know and I will forward you the details!


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