
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Memoir #25 "Quick prayer request"

In one week we have our progress hearing for our second foster daughter and this will tell a lot.  I know the bio-mom is doing pretty good actually and so that is a good thing.  But, what I also know is that she typically can do "good" for short periods of time and then fall off the wagon in a heartbeat.  I also know that she makes bad choices and doesn't have good parenting skills.  She is selfish and already looking for a new boyfriend and is dating. When she does get money from somewhere she immediately blows it. She flies off the handle and has very serious mental illnesses that are being "controlled" by medication.  She has been on drugs more than off them in her adult life.  She plans to move back to the crazy house which is still as crazy as it was when DD was removed.  She can't keep a steady job but she will qualifiy for welfare once she has DD back.  None of the above really matters in the Judge's decision because our Constitution gives parents the fundamental right to parent their child and the case worker said it best, "these are the lowest standards I have ever seen in my life.  These people basically just have to be off heavy drugs and they can get their kids back".  The previous worker also said, "I have yet to put a foster child back with their bio parents and feel good aout it."

Hmmm...so, I am restless.  I am sort of proud of bio-mom, I really am.  She has actually accomplished more than I thought she could.  But I don't believe DD will be safe living with bio-mom for a long time... = /

What can we do??? PRAY

I have said from the beginning, if this will help bio-mom become the person God intended her to be on this earth and she can maintain it and care for DD then that is awesome and I have no problem with putting DD back with her.  PRAY that this is true and that bio-mom can maintain a clean & safe life for DD!

If bio-mom can't, PRAY that DD doesn't have to go back even for a few months only to be removed again and have her life altered drasically once again.  PRAY for no more psychological damage to DD.

If bio-mom can't, and DD does have to go back with her, PRAY that DD will be safe and happy =D

PRAY for this judge to see clearly.

PRAY for our family in the adjustment that will be made either way and the decisions that will need to be made pretty quickly here in whether we keep her longer or put her with a different foster family closer to bio-mom's residence.

Thanks in advance to all of you who say a prayer for DD today!!!

1 Kings 8:28  Nevertheless, listen to my prayer and my plea, O Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is making to you today.

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