
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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- To promote awareness
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Friday, April 8, 2011

Memoir #16 "when opposites attract"

I really can't believe I'm onto Memoir # 16 already and today is also another landmark day because it has been 8 weeks since we got our second foster daughter!  I will take her to her 8th visit today and we only have about 17 more =D  Hmmm....I can't help but wonder what God's plan is for her regarding her forever home...will she be reunited with her bio-mom or will we adopt her or will another wonderful family hoping to add one more adopt her or will she be reunited and then taken back out of the home and put back with us or someone else???  A lot of uncertainty and some of which we have control over (such as we will have priority in adopting her if there is TPR - termination of parental rights or if reunification goes sour and she is returned to fostercare) but most of which we do not.  Either way she is doing great and she is blessing our family immensely!!!

Now, on to the opposites, it's funny how you can have two three-year-olds that are so different from one another, I mean these two are complete opposites in almost every way!  I could give example after example but today, it struck me when I was getting them dressed for "school".  I try to help Raya and she throws a fit and says "I can do it" and "Don't help me" whereas I have to encourage JJ over and over again to just try and take her pajamas off on her own...if only JJ would allow Raya to help her and if Raya would be willing to, I wouldn't have to worry about it =)

The good thing is even though they are opposites, they also love to play together and they will play and play and play which gives me a much needed break! =D

I am excited to see how our next childrens' personalities will be (but to clarify, excited but not that excited like let's go get two more next week lol).

Jesus loved children and he said "Let the little children come to me and do not stop them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these...and he took the little children into his arms and he blessed them." Matthew 10:14-16


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