
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Memoir #9 "give her life"

Hello everyone!

Yesterday, I heard a statistic on the radio that 2 out of 3 abortions in the United States are done at a Planned Parenthood...in fact Planned Parenthood has a monopoly on Abortions (which sounds sick to say but true).  I got to thinking about the alternative to abortion being adoption and how beautiful that is.  If you are reading this and you are pro-choice I just ask that you remember that there are two choices...

So if you follow me, you know that I love statistics and definitions to emphasize my points so check-out these alternative definitions and synonyms I found on dictionary.com and thesaurus.com -->

Abortion - cessation of a process before completion...expulsion, DISAPPOINTMENT, failure, breakdown, loss, a mess...

Adoption - to accept and take on as if it were one's own...acceptance, approval, CHOICE, embracing, support...

Now I don't personally know what it's like to be in those shoes and to be contemplating that choice but I do know from personal experience that adoption is exactly what it says it is above...it is acceptance, it is full of embrace, and it leaves you feeling empowered and filled to the brim with Joy!

I know someone personally who did choose the first option and I will tell you (though hearsay I realize) that she says abortion is exactly what the definition says it is as well..it is a loss, a true disappointment, and it leaves you forever regretting your choice and wishing you could reverse your decision.

Ironically, I was reading my new April Women's Health Magazine today and I stumbled upon an article that has disturbed me all morning and really prompted me to write about this topic because of it.  It is titled, "Your Rights, Right Now".  Women's Health interviewed Cecile Richards who is the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of American and asked her all kinds of questions but the last question bothered me a lot.  She was asked, what's going on in the area of so-called crisis pregnancy centers?  Her response (which I don't know how she has this personal knowledge but regardless) "These centers, which are also known as pregnancy ministries, are anti-choice centers that imitate being health facilities in order to scare pregnant women who are seeking health care into not terminating their pregnancies.  They have a history of using deceptive tactics and giving women biased and misleading information." 

Thanks Cecile...where did you get your information from exactly?  I am adding Planned Parenthood to my "to sue" list which is not necessarily a list of entities that I truly plan to sue but it is a list of entities that I will work against in some way, shape, or form.  I am also going to write the magazine and express my distaste in the "facts" given in this article and for Cecile's commentary and I will question them regarding her unprofessionalism and her lack of source disclosure in slandering crisis center ministries.

Any ideas of what we can do to counter the monster that Planned Parenthood has become in this country???

Blessings for the weekend!

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