
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Memoir #8 "BFF's and Potty"

Yesterday was such a good day for our whole family and especially for my girls!  It may be just my 3-year-olds but we have been struggling with consistent potty-use now since we became "potty-trained"...it is very frustrating to say the least but yesterday they both managed to come home in the same clothes I dressed them in in the morning...hurray!!!  They both got a giant smiley-faces on our marker board for that and we were very proud of them because this is definitely not the norm but knock on wood...maybe we are making some progress =) 

So not only did they have good potty days they were just hyper and lovey-dovey to each other.  Around 7:00pm we put a movie on for them to wind down before bed time...which one you might ask...Frosty the Snowman...it is Christmas all year round in our house!  So, when I come up the stairs to get them ready for bed they were sitting together in JJ's bed with about 4 pillows propped up behind them and 5 babies/stuffed animals watching the movie together.  They proceeded to tell me "we love each other so much and we are best friends"...LOL, I just loved walking into this scene...cool!

Now I wanted to create a sounding board about Potty-training advice here too because man it is tricky so please comment with what you have found to work well and what you have found does not help at all, I would love to hear it!  I will tell you some of my tecniques and feel free to laugh out loud!

This summer when I was staying at home with Raya I was getting sick of changing diapers and I knew I would be going to work very soon...also, we planned to move September 1st so I decided I would potty-train her before this occurred and while we had all wood floors and no carpet =)  She was about 29 months old (almost 2 and a half).  I read up on how to go about this and when she woke up that Monday morning, I was ready.  First we talked about it in great detail and I acted out going on the potty and having an accident with a doll and  a make-shift potty.  Then I busted out the brand new big girl panties that I had purchased with Dora on them.  We had the little potty in the middle of the living room floor and then I handed her a huge glass of chocolate milk.  My goal was to get this done in about 3 days tops. 

Well things didn't go as well as planned and she would be playing and just pee herself again and again but I was consistent.  After day three I actually told my husband that this was it, she wasn't ready but that next morning she begged to wear the big girl panties again and have another chance at it and I caved. 

Something happened and she started to do pretty well.  I would put a pull-up on her during nap (which we still do to this day) but she started to get it.  Not too long after we exclusively used the potty seat that goes on the big potty and got rid of the stinky kiddie potty (that sang by the way) and when we moved she was pretty potty trained!  I am proud of a lot of things in life for example, passing the bar exam on the first try, but I am extra proud of potty-training!  The hard part is, she really has had some set-backs and still has accidents about every two days.  She also will still wet herself during nap/night time...is this normal at age 3?  JJ too, she came to us "completely potty-trained"...not, that was a lie.  She has accidents as frequently as Raya.  Anyway, any comments and war-stories are appreciated!


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