
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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- To promote awareness
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Monday, March 21, 2011

Memoir #10 "deceit and new names"

So this memoir is two-fold...first I will talk about the negative (aka deceit) and I will end it with the positive (aka new names) =D  Thanks a lot for checking out this blog and please subscribe or follow it!

So, JJ had her visit on Friday and some of the stipulations to the visitation process were violated  (not really a shocker but you just think that the biomom would be smarter than this right?) 

Well, one of them is that JJ is not allowed to see certain family members which is court-ordered and not just a recommendation.  Another is that she is not allowed to go to the house she was removed from because it is deemed "unfit".

Well of course, she reports to us that she went to the house that is unfit and she saw these family members.  In addition, she saw other family members with significant criminal records (which I won't go into details about here but they are pretty serious in nature).

I just don't understand the thought process of the biomom...clearly protection of JJ is not a priority.  Anyway, when you are a foster parent you are a mandatory reporter so I will be reporting this of course.

Ok, so on to the positives...we got our first letter in the mail today with our first foster child Raya's new name.  I looked at the envelope in disbelief really...it is becoming a reality that she is going to be ours in a few weeks!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  I am SO excited =D =D =D

We are changing her middle name and it listed her new name (the one we have chosen for her) on this envelope and it just caused my tummy to flutter!!!  I can't wait to be her forever mommy guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hold her in my arms and squeeze her tight and just love her to pieces. 

I can't thank her birth parents enough for her...she is one of God's most beautiful creations of all time!!!


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