
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Memoir #5 February 24 "Outraged"

And just when I thought the system was bad it got worse!  Last week for JJ's unsupervised visit with her biomom she reported afterward that her biomom hurt her.  I won't go into all the details here.  Well I reported this to our old DHS worker (they changed workers this same day of course) and our other foster child's worker and our new worker.  I also called the G.A.D. (guardian ad litem) and was advised to report everything to CPS.  After this is all said and done, the new worker told me last night that the GAD wants an interview done of the child before she'll write something to change the visits to supervised, CPS didn't assign a worker because DHS already has the case and without a CPS worker there is no interview scheduled and with no interview the GAD will not change the visits.

THANK YOU FOR FAILING TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I had to insert a brief scream before I continue.  So tomorrow I am forced to send this 3 year old into the lion's den again with no supervision.  What if she tells me she was hurt again?  What are we supposed to do?  Who is protecting her? 

I thought to myself there has got to be a way to report the failures of the system and this is what I will do if nothing happens...it is called Office of the Ombudsman which was founded in MI in 1994 to ensure that CPS, DHS, and GAD's are doing there jobs.  There is also a law which is commonly referred to as the Child Protection Law which was enacted in 1975 and is actually MCL 722.621 - 722.638.  This is where children are protected from abuse by the law...now to enforce the law!

After a lot and I mean a lot of advocating to everyone I could find who would listen, a CPS worker finally interviewed her and as you can imagine, she reported the abuse...good girl!!!  I am proud of her because it was a week later and she is very shy but she did it.  Are her visits going to be supervised you might ask?  Nope...the guardian refuses to change them until she sees physical marks or repeated reporting from her.  The DHS worker is going to include a report at the next hearing so at least something is being done to note what occurred but that is it for now.  No, it is not good enough though, it really isn't.  It is not good enough for her, she deserves better : /    Prayers appreciated!!!

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