
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Memoir #4 "crash and burn"

Today was rough...well for us, 2 and 1/2 hours were rough...I can't imagine the day the fine daycare workers had =D  Part of the problem is that the girls have been going to sleep very late the last couple of days but also I think it's just the adjustment and the testing boundaries and love etc.

How is JJ doing you ask...excellent!  Lol, it's Raya that is the problem.  Today she hit kids, teachers and me =) Story of my life...foster children are so loveable but they can be very agressive sometimes.  I don't want to scare anyone but I was definitely smoked by a two year old many times over the course of 8 months.  It dwindled down and really came to a stop.  But Alas...retrogression.  Today, not only did she revert to hitting, she went potty in her pants twice, and she relapsed into one of her tantrums that we have not seen since probably August or September.  Bummer : / to say the least.

But I am not going to give up hope, in fact, I am hopeful and I need to be my own backer. I know this is the right thing to do, I just have to be willing and able to get through the adjustment phase of it all.  It's so hard though to go backwards...especially when progress is very slow going as it is. 

Tomorrow Raya will get a break because she goes to a different caretaker so maybe that will help to refresh the situation.  Prayers please =)


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