
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Memoir #6 "Two things I want to change about the system...this is not for the weak of heart"

Hello All!  It has been a while since my last post I realize and I apologize for that.  Tomorrow is the 1 month mark for having two foster children in our home and we are adjusting nicely =) 

I hate to be negative but there are a two things that have bothered me recently that I want to share them in case you are considering the foster/adopt/refugee journey.  Basically an FYI of sorts.   There is such a need for foster and adoptive parents so I never want to discourage someone from joining this journey but I want every person considering this path to know just what they are getting themselves into...thus, the following two FYI complaints...enjoy!

#1 Foster Care FYI- when you agree to take a foster child into your home, you need to have some money saved up that you can use to front many costs.  I would recommend at least $300 and if you work full time I recommend $800.  You will be reimbursed eventually but the system is very slow in doing so.

Like I said before, tomorrow is our 1 month mark and we have yet to see a dime for our new foster child JJ.  She has attended daycare for four weeks which totals $540.  She also has gone through two packages of pull-ups which costed $40.  We had to purchase two carseats for her which costed $80...she also came with no shoes that fit her and no pants that fit her.  In addition, I drive 93.4 miles (one way) for her visits with her birth mother EVERY week.  Yes...every single week.

The bottom line is that your foster child may not have proper fitting clothing or proper clothing for the weather.  Your foster child probably will not have a bed.  Your foster child will probably not come with sippy cups, children's silverware and dishes, or a toothbrush.  You will need items like car seats and strollers.  You may also have to drive great lengths in order to facilitiate visits for your child.  Most medical costs/prescriptions/doctor visits will be covered by medicaid but some items will not be and you will have to pay for those out of pocket.

I promise I will update you when we get our reimbursement and I will let you know how much we will get toward daycare, which is new for us, so you can get an idea too!

#2 Adopt FYI - so after months of working to adopt our first foster child Raya...we find out yesterday that the judge has a rule that he put into place...what is this rule you might ask?  Well, he will not allow a couple to adopt until they have been married for 1 year.  Today would have been adoption day - March 10, 2011...our 1 year anniversury is March 27, 2011...YES, he really wouldn't do it because we are 16 days short!!! 

It doesn't matter how long we have been together before this, it doesn't matter that we got married in order to adopt this young lady, it doesn't matter that we have had her for almost 12 months now and actually have been interacting with her for 14...he has his rule.  So, disappointment but the adoption day will be in April or May at the latest.

One of our adoption workers told me..."she is 90% yours"...lol, I wanted to say well she is 100% God's and let's not forget that...For in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

Are you feeling the call yet?  Do you have $700 you could scrape together for a month and take a precious child into your home?  Is God tugging at your heart strings to do something more for his kingdom on this side of heaven?

Have a blessed day!

We finally received our first check for JJ so it took about 5 weeks from the day she was placed in our home.  This is not day care money though.  We are still waiting to see that come through but it is something and it helps with the costs a little bit.  Another thing I wanted to let you know is that if you adopt a child out of foster care, that child most likely will qualify for financial support (almost every child age 3+ does for example) so since we do not need the money to pay for everyday needs we will be using that money to fund Raya's private Christian schooling and college fund. He will make beauty from ashes.  He will bring joy instead of mourning. (Isaiah 61:3 paraphrase)

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