
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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- To promote awareness
- To offer encouragement
- To keep prayer warriors updated
- To support one another
- To discuss and vent =D

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Memoir #2 February 11, 2011 "JJ's day...flaws with the system...advocates unite"

Today may be all over the board so I apologize in advance but I wanted to touch on a couple of things which are all relevant but totally unrelated!

First, I have decided to title these posts as memoirs. A memoir is a form of creative nonfiction in which an author recounts experiences from his or her life.  I want this to be documented in such a way that my children can look back at these entries and hopefully receive great joy from them as records of our life.

Second, I have been thinking a lot about getting more involved in promoting fostering and adopting in my area.  I read an article the other day that gave this statistic -> if one family in every church in the United States would take in one foster child...we would have a shortage in children.  Imagine that!  Right now there is a shortage for foster/adoptive families for the kids who need a home.  I am going to work at finding ways to change this.

Third, I wanted to touch on what I have been hearing all week long..."you are their Advocate", and "you need to advocate on their behalf as stongly as you can"....funny telling a lawyer that but hey, I really never thought about it.  Maybe that is one of the reasons God has called me to be a foster-adopt mommy.  I have spent hours already trying to work with the falty system to get the services, funding etc. that my girls are entitled to and boy, it is not for the faint of heart.  When one fund was denied for our first child Raya, I told the agent I wanted a hearing.  He continues to send me requests asking me to "voluntarily withdraw"...absolutely not.  I'm sorry sir if this makes you have to work a little harder but no way Jose.  He has sent three of them now and refuses to speak with me.  I have read the law and my adoption workers, my foster worker in my county, the workers in the county where my girls are from all have told me that Raya is entitled to this.  So now what?  I will not stop until I get my hearing =)  I try not to get discouraged but it can really take a toll and there is only so many hours in a day that I can spend on this outside of work.  I will keep you posted.

Last, and really most importantly, tonight I go and pick JJ up to join our family and our home.  Today is really JJ's day and I can't describe all the emotions I am feeling but I will try my best.
  • Joy - I am overjoyed that God is allowing us to spend some time with this beautiful little girl
  • Excitement - it will be like having twins...two 3-year-old girls...double the princesses...double the bows...double the hugs and sweet songs =)
  • Nerves - I do not know this little person...
  • Fear - what if, what if, what if...
  • Worry - how will she do, how will we do, will she adjust ok?
  • Peace - my only comfort in life is that I belong body and soul to my faithful savior Jesus Christ...in fact, not a hair can fall from my head outside the will of my beloved father!
Welcome my beautiful JJ...blessings!

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