
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Memoir #49 Make me a Servant

No one said it would be easy going from 1 kid to 3…but it truly has been an incredible and not to mention a chaotic experience so far!  I now have a glimpse of what my mom went through raising three kids and there truly is never a dull moment.  Somebody always needs you which 99% of the time is a wonderful feeling but 1% of the time you pretty much want to fly the coop ha!

A number of people have asked me…”How do you do it?”  My answer thus far has been…”I don’t know, you just do”…but now I realize that is a really poor answer after all isn’t it?  My new answer is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”…because that is truly how we are doing it.  I’ve learned that Christ will always enable you to do more than you think you are capable of and this is one of those situations.
Well, today makes it three weeks since the boys moved in and we are really getting into the groove of things and finally settling into a routine.  These editions to our family cause me to get up about 20 minutes earlier and I’ve added watching for the school bus to my morning routine…but other than that, it really isn’t too bad.  Well then there’s bathing 3 kids.  Why is that such a hassle?  And the homework that they give 1st graders is craziness…I cannot believe it.

So tonight my daughter Raya wanted another pillow from her shelf to put behind her as she watched a movie and asked me “why can’t you just go and get it?”  I wanted to say because I am not your servant Missy that is why.  I did tell her you have two legs, you can get it for yourself.
Then, not even 5 minutes later, when he was working on his homework, James needed a dice (die) which was downstairs and he says “can’t Rachel get it, she’s only folding clothes”…pff only well I will have you know that folding clothes happens to be one of the worst household chores Mister, because it is never ever ending and someday you will find this out!

And the moral of the story is that when you are a mommy, you really are a servant for your kids.  I think it’s kind of a built in part of the job description that they don’t tell you in Lamas classes! 
Taking care of others needs before your own…it is a tough and sometimes it gets old doesn’t it?  The good thing is that it really teaches you to have a servant’s heart which is what God wants from us anyway.  The topic of service made me think about this verse that I heard at church the other day.  It really hit home with me and I love The Message’s version.

Now for your reading pleasure from our God almighty, Romans 14:17-18:
God’s kingdom isn’t a matter of petty things, for goodness’ sake.  It’s what God does with your life as he sets it right, puts it together, and completes it with joy. 

Your task is to single-mindedly serve Christ.  Do that and you’ll kill two birds with one stone: pleasing the God above you and proving your worth to the people around you.
God’s kingdom is serving Christ.

Blessings for the week!

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