
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Friday, June 3, 2011

Memoir #35 "Valueless Humans"

We found out that JJ’s bio-mom has a new boyfriend and its official.  This could be good for her.  The downside is that he is a gang member.  Yes, he is actually a current gang member of a well-known and impactful gang.  What is there to say?  It just left me speechless.  I of course let the case worker know and I premised it with “…I know you can’t do anything but I think you should know…”  What is bio-mom thinking???  I can’t imagine.  Knowing this got me thinking about some things.
One thing I have learned on this journey is that here in the USA, we value adults more than we value kids.  As time has gone on, children have been pushed lower and lower in the caste system until they have become 2nd class United States citizens.
Don’t believe me? Here are a few examples where an adult’s right/value trumps that of a child only because he or she is an adult and the other person is a child.
The right not to have a child – Starting from conception, a child is trumped by his mother even into the last trimester when he is viable and can live outside the womb on his own.  His right to live and take a breath of oxygen is trumped by her right to “not have a child” and a right to “do what she wants with her body”.
The right to have a child – Even when a person is completely unfit to parent and even when the person used drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes when pregnant causing permanent damage to the child, and even when the person is “weaning themselves” off of drugs and does not have a job, pay her bills, or have transportation or any means beyond WIC, Food Stamps and government assistance…  That person has a right to parent her child because “biologically it is her child”.
The right not to have a child – When a person has a failed abortion or certain failed birth control and that person delivers a perfect and healthy child; she can sue the doctor for wrongful pregnancy.  The parents actually argue that they have been damaged by having to give birth and having to raise a child they did not want!
The right not to have a imperfect child – When a person has a birth that “goes wrong” and damage occurs to the child or when the child has birth defects that could have been known before the time of birth…that person can sue the doctor for wrongful birth saying you should have warned us and if you would have we would have ended the pregnancy…now we don’t want this child!
The right to damages for loss of life – When a person loses a loved one because of the negligence/intentional acts of another and he sues for damages…in valuing the amount, a lost child is almost considered valueless!  The child can’t work, he hasn’t been around that long, and he can’t do that much around the house so his value is almost nothing.  The loss of an adult in the exact same manner results in a high value of damages.

Doesn't this "urk" you a bit?  This goes against the word of God. It is NOT supposed to be this way.

Mark 9:37
“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”
Matthew 18:3
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
We need to start valuing our children the way God values them.  How does God value them?  They are the most precious ones in his kingdom.
Blessings for the weekend!!!

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