
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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The goals of this site are:
- To promote awareness
- To offer encouragement
- To keep prayer warriors updated
- To support one another
- To discuss and vent =D

If you choose to comment (and I hope you do), please refrain from mentioning the actual names of the children if you know us personally. Enjoy Fosteradoptmommy!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Memoir #31 "Answer to prayer"

We may have a fabulous answer to our prayers which requires a little more prayer for the next two days =D

Our DD JJ was first placed in a home with a single older woman and her adult daughter.  This is a great lady and she would love to have JJ back again.  She currently has another 8 month old girl there too.  This would be amazing.  JJ lived there for 5 months before and would be going back to the same place, the same room, and the same day care!!!  Talk about a relief!  I know this woman personally and she would also facilitate visits with us and JJ which would be so good.

Please pray that this works out!!! We will know Friday =D

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