
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Memoir #13 "Full-time working mom vs. foster mom vs. mom of 2"

So yesterday I get a call from the daycare asking me to come and pick-up the girls because "they don't feel very good" and "they want to go home" and we think they need to "rest at home" etc.. So I ask, do they have fevers? The answer is "well no, but the one had one yesterday" and I said well I gave her tylenol"  She then asked me "hasn't the other one been sick for a while?" I said "no, she's had a cold this week"...this is the director by the way, not one of the workers that actually interacts with them on a daily basis.  She just kept saying "well they're sick you know and I think they should just go home and rest and come back tomorrow"...I wanted to ask "so they are cranky and you don't want to deal with them?" haha..I paid $48.50 for this day that I am not getting back and you are going to make me come get them with no symptoms???  Unbelievable! I have been watching them and caring for them and they are fine btw...I should probably add that.  She also said "giving them tylenol could be masking their symptoms" and they could be contagious to the other kids"...wow, thanks for your words of wisdom not... lol  Last time I checked with our doctor, that is what you are supposed to do is give them tylenol and the other thing is where did they pick up this wonderful bug...hmm, daycare!  Who are they going to get sick...the same kids that got them sick in the first place???

Anyways, the rest of the story is where I started to think about which is really the hard part about me being a mommy...is it that I work full time or is it that I am a foster mom and have to deal with the system etc. or is it that now I have 2 instead of one. 
So I figure a way (in my head) to pick the girls up and have my husband take them during his lunch so I can meet with my one client that is driving in from far away, and then I will go and get them after and take them home and work from home while they nap.  Sounds easy but of course it did not go as planned!  So first of all, my co-worker had to cover my 11 o'clock new client consult...no prob really but my 12:30 appointment arrives late and with their two little kids and friend and they are slow-going...it took forever and then somehow my 3pm appointment wasn't cancelled afterall and there he is sitting there and I felt terrible having to reschedule him for Monday...bless his heart he didn't mind and I have one of my colleague's clients needing to ask me questions and I have one of my clients walk-in to ask me questions...the whole time the girls are at my husband's office down the street reaking havoc lol and needing a nap!!!  I didn't eat nor have a drink of water from 10am until 4pm yesterday and needless to say I was exhausted and stressed to the max.  Stupid day care...and I lost $50 which they kept and didn't watch these girls.  The other thing is they were not sick.  My husband's co-worker who has two little ones said "I would fire them if they did this to me...these children are NOT sick!"  Agreed girl! 

So, if you are still reading this...here are my conclusions: 

Having 2 instead of one doesn't make it much harder, at least the parts that are harder are balanced by the parts that are easier.  My husband and I have got the logistical part of getting two ready down and that kind of thing so I would say, at least for us, 2 kids (and they are both 3 not an infant and a toddler like I know has to be way harder) is not that hard.

Being a foster mom...well, there are a few things that are hard like doing the visits and court hearings and paperwork.  That is all in addition to the normal requirements of raising and caring for a child and so it does make life a little harder but again it is not that hard.

Last, working full time....now this is what makes life hard!  Granted, I do not want to be a stay-at-home mom nor do I want to work a few days a week or something because I LOVE being a lawyer.  Plus, I am just not that patient and into kid's stuff to want to play with them all day long but, what I do want, is to be able to come and go when I need to and come in late and leave early when I need to and if I have a kid's doctor appointment I just come in at 10am afterward or if I have a sick kid, I can just take the day off no problem, and if I have baseball games to go to every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 3pm, then I leave at 2:30pm those days. 

I guess flexibility is what would help and I do have to say, for being 28 years old and at my first lawyer-job I AM given a TON of flexibility.  My employers are awesome and they even give me Friday afternoons off to facilitate the visits =D =D =D  I cannot complain!  One day though, I hope to own my own business and then I know that I can have as much flexibility as I want and come and go as I please so that will really help in the future.  The hard part too with my job is that I have Court obligations and client consults that are big deals...they can't be rescheduled a lot of the time and so that really kills all the flexibility right there (should have picked another profession haha no just kidding)... But, as I look at the calender today and realize that next week Wednesday we have our foster child's HeadStart evaluation which I booked 2 months ago, I also realize that my husband has to be in Detroit at 8AM and I have to be in Detroit at 10:30AM for court...shooooooooooot!!!  I was really looking forward to it too but I will have to find a loving sub to take her that day : (   If only Judges were more flexible =D

Anyways...the "alter-call"...so life is hard, and it might not get easier, but if you believe in God, and you say you need Jesus, he'll be where you are, and he never will leave you!


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