
This blog is a collection of memoirs of one mom's journey through the foster care system into adoption and beyond.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Memoir #40 Lose my lunch

Well I am very sorry that I let my blog fall to the wayside over the last two months…but I am happy to say that I had my big wedding, went on a honey moon, got a new job and moved into a new home….oh, and did I forget to tell you that we are expecting!  Go big or go home…I think that’s the only way we do life but we are so blessed we would never complain about the changes and the business at all.
I told my mom a couple weeks ago and she said she was really was starting to think we weren’t going to have any biological children and you know what…we didn’t know either way. It turns out that God’s plan includes at least this one and we are truly thrilled (though I am terrified of labor!)
In addition, this pregnancy is full of complications, in fact, I am writing this blog from my bed because I had to come home due to severe abdominal pain and other symptoms.  I am 17 weeks and 2 days today and every day of this pregnancy has been a tough one.  Is there anyone else out there who has experienced this?
We are praying like crazy for God to save this little child and we believe he will.  I think he has big plans for this little lamb.  Please pray for his/her life…please.  Every day counts for this little one.
On top of the medical problems I have a whole slew of the typical pregnancy discomforts as well, for example, I feel like whenever I’ve encountered a woman who was pregnant I would ask them, do you have any weird cravings or things that you once loved that now make you sick or anything weird going on?  The reply has always been the same…NO…well, then she’ll say I really crave McDonalds or something =)
Well let me tell you, I have all kinds of weird going on!  First of all, I didn’t feel all that nauseas in the beginning besides a few nights when I ran out and got the pregnancy tests.  Now, beginning the last five weeks, I wake up queasy.  According to all of the books I have read, I should be entering the “honeymoon” phase which is the 2nd trimester with ease…not for me so far… ugh.
So many things seem to “gross me out”, I can barely take it.  Especially smells!  These might be good smells too but they cause me to want to lose my breakfast.  I walk around like a hound dog sniffing into the air seemingly “smelling” things; meanwhile my husband tells me he doesn’t smell anything at all. Very strange occurrences.
The worst so far is toothpaste.  Not kidding, good old toothpaste.  It doesn’t help that I am sticking something in my mouth at the same time causing some major gag reflex to kick in but I have been on my knees over the toilet because I tried to brush my teeth.  What in the world? 
As far as cravings go, I haven’t noticed much of a difference there.  I will admit I did drink a few shots of pickle juice the other day but I can’t say this was the first time =D
With so many changes going on in the body you realize that the sacrifice begins from the moment of conception for your children and I think it lasts a lifetime because of the deep love you have for them. But it’s all worth it to keep the little one safe and healthy and bring him into this world. 
It makes me think how blessed we are to have our daughter Raya…her bio-mom could have said “forget this!” and ended her precious life when she was in-utero but she didn’t thanks be to God!
Anybody else pregnant out there?  Any war stories you would like to share (preferably not including labor yet…I am prolonging that discussion until later because it gives me the heevy-jeevies!!!)
For this child you prayed and God has answered your prayers! 1 Samuel 1:27

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